Unified Vitality - The Directory for Sexuality
Unified Vitality…
Unified Vitality is a decentralised organisation that will act as a vehicle for the sacred sexuality movement. The app and website www.unifiedvitality.com is launching June 1st 2020 and it will be part online magazine and part directory.
The intention is that you as a practitioner will be able to write about your work and the concepts you are passionate about and submit them to the site. This will allow us to speak truthfully about our message beyond the constraints of shadow banning on social media.
We will have individuals, institutes, retreats, courses and programmes listed in the directory. We will be encouraging hash tagging as a way to discover what you are offering in the platform.
More details will be revealed soon.
At this stage I am putting out the call for 100 people to receive 6 months free access to the platform to be listed on the platform. With an extra 6 months for free if you invite 6 more people in that time.
Fill out the form below and you will be added to the platform and be able to edit your details with a log in when the site launches.