Transformation Through Touch
Two Masterclasses
Thursday 8th July and Friday 9th July 2021 - Two Activation Calls
Time: 5 pm NSW- AEST
Transformation Through Touch is presented by Victoria Redbard, Australia’s Leading Sexuality Expert. This is an introduction into how to activate your sexuality through the Self Pleasure Modality ™ within a Two Part Activation Series.
The Self Pleasure Modality™ is a profound cutting edge tool that allows you to access what is happening in your inner world to create transformation in every aspect of your life!
A transformation through touch.
Have you ever wondered how the Self Pleasure Modality™ works?
The Self Pleasure Modality™ is a profound cutting edge tool that allows you to access what is happening in your inner world to create transformation in every aspect of your life!
A transformation through touch is the backbone to the globally accredited Self Pleasure Modality™ and the title of my upcoming book. With my excitement from really fleshing out the steps of how the Self Pleasure Modality™ has transformed so many peoples lives I felt compelled to offer a mini workshop series to access the tools.
This series offers you the tools to
Clearing through the past
Connecting to the present
Creating the future.
Not only will this webinar shed light on how to transform your life through your own touch but it will also offer the opportunity to
WIN two prizes of one on one sessions with one of my incredible students.
Access to 1 of the Self Pleasure Practice workbooks (only accessible by the students at the Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy, until now!)
My Sex Magick Meditation to journey into your self-pleasure practice and manifest your desires.
Transformation through touch is perfect for whatever stage you're at on your Sexuality Development Journey. If you’re curious to understand what’s next or where to start on your sexual mastery journey then this is for you.
See you on Thursday 8th July and Friday 9th July at 5pm NSW - AEST time
With love, pleasure and devotion,
Victoria X
Magic, Money and the Mysteries
Replay Available until the 31st of July
Magic, Money & The Mysteries is an online 90min Masterclass presented by Victoria Redbard, Australia’s Leading Sexuality Expert. If you’re interested in discovering the tangible pathways to work deeper with the mysteries and see real world success in your business, relationships and spiritual evolution, then this is for you!
It’s a new dawn, a new day and a new life for me….and ALL the magical beings who have been shunned for their powers, burnt at the stake or hunted for the wisdom they hold.
Learning to embody your full essence and own your magic is one layer of mastery.
The second is sharing it in a way that not only supports your life but brings enough abundance to see you create the level of impact and change that you’re here to bring.
The ancient temples are resurfacing and they are calling on us to be the conduits to land them for the souls who are ready to live a thriving, delicious and memorable life.
We’re here to guide people home to their bodies.
Awaken them to the riches of their magnetism and
See a new world emerge, free of disconnect from self, others and the planet.
In this 90 minute masterclass, I will share all I’ve learnt about living a creative, eros fueled life, that not only serves my clients, supports my life but also allows me to help co create the new world I see for future generations.
If you’re interested in discovering the tangible pathways to work deeper with the mysteries and see real world success in your business, relationships and spiritual evolution, then this is for you.
With love, pleasure and devotion,
Victoria x