A 4 week journey

 Enter the lair of devotional practice. Expand into the tapestry to Shakti’s many forms.

Open to the principles of tantric living.


This 4 week journey is focused on building a modern relationship with these ancient energies.  

Go beyond personal desire and let eros move through you to the path of devotion,.. to something greater.

Invocation is a series of magical practices to invoke 4 powerful deities to open up to the deep wisdom that has inspired millions of seekers over lifetimes.

The depth of what these deities hold can offer the keys to true fulfillment. The capacity to embody your connection to spirit and experience the fruitfulness of abundant life. 

With a combination of sound, movement, prayer, eroticism, spoken word, Satsang and other various temple arts, we will create offerings to bow at the feet of each of the following deities:

  • Durga, Warrior goddess of protection and inner strength

  • Lakshmi, who confers prosperity and beauty

  • Lalita Tripura Sundari, goddess of erotic spirituality

  • Dhumavati, goddess of disappointment and letting go. 


This is not a traditional tantric training nor is it an exploration of archetypes.  It is exploring the Tantric framework through a contemporary approach. This is not material that we are ‘teaching’ to you, but coming together to collectively build a deeper relationship with this wisdom. In doing so we wish to acknowledge the saints and sages who have come before us and carried this wisdom forward for us to be able to partake in today.

In this 4 week journey, you are encouraged to let go of personal requests/desires from the universe and come into alignment with your true nature, and walk the path of a devotee of life itself. 

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The Tantric Cosmology

In Tantric cosmology, the whole universe is perceived as being created, penetrated and sustained by two fundamental forces, which are permanently in a perfect, indestructible union. These forces or universal aspects are called Shiva and Shakti.

Shiva is the primal Atman (soul, self) of the universe, in whom all things lie, pervasiveness, and the embodiment of grace.

Shakti is life force energy coming into motion, she is everything that exists.

Shakti being within us and all around us, can make us forget the divine nature of our own power. This journey is to have you remember the force of nature you truly are.

These offerings will be an opportunity to give thanks and experience a deeper listening to life and how it wishes to move through you  and build a relationship with them.


The power of mantra

The creation stories of the goddess

The creative life force energy within that wants to come into expression.

Teachings from ancient tantric texts.

Your sexuality, unfiltered 

Your full potential and potency.

Invocation is a 4 week journey

This workshop is for all genders, will involve clothing optional experiences, sexuality is welcome in the space but not required to participate.



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Facilitators: Victoria Redbard and Miroslav Petrovic

Victoria Redbard A speaker, author, facilitator and altogether business badass. Over the past 3 years she founded the Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy, a globally accredited sexuality school honing its cutting-edge Self Pleasure Modality™. She is also the driving force behind the Enlightenment in The Bedroom events, the Tedx of sexuality held in 9 locations over Australia. Through a delicious mix of intuition, instinct, and passion she wakes people up to the innocent aliveness of their erotic nature.

Miroslav Petrovic owes his life to traditional Tantra. It has been his life-line and spiritual path since he first discovered it by chance over 10 years  ago. Immersed in depression, stuttering and often assumed to be mute, Tantra opened him to his own heart, to trust, to safety and to wanting to live a life.  The first time he stepped into a Tantric training and heard the word “Tantra is living a spiritual life in a worldly existence” he knew he had found home. He has since studied with leading teachers in the tradition including Christopher Wallis, Sally Kempton, and other disciples of Baba Nityanandas lineage.

Over the last 10+ years he has worked with over 5,000 people globally re-connecting them to their aliveness, and living a life closer to their hearts. He is the founder of the Enlivened Speaking Institute, and author of Give Them Goosebumps. His path and purpose is centred around bringing spirituality to every facet of our lives and normalising the relationship to God.


With love, pleasure and devotion,

Victoria and Miroslav xx