Become an Enlightenment in the Bedroom Host in your Town.
Enlightenment in the Bedroom is a live, 3.5 hour event designed to reach the masses with our messages around what’s possible (and necessary) in sex, relationships and intimacy.
With 2 expert speakers, plus an expert host to guide the audience to a greater awareness and practical tools to implement in their lives & loves.
It’s fun. It’s glam. It’s dogma-free.
And it’s been running successfully on the Gold Coast since 2016.
This event is unique in that it is a fun and educational event about all the things sex, intimacy and relating, with ‘normal’ human experiences like wine, nibbles and seats...but without the fear factor that can come with many other workshops and adult sexuality education.
Enlightenment in the Bedroom is a 3.5 hour evening event that runs every 8 weeks in each location. It invites these curious lovelies along to a familiar and stylish feeling environment to learn from experts in the field of sexuality. We have wine, and nibbles, and space to connect with other like minded souls. We have professional presenters and a feel of class and sincerity, while also having heaps of fun sharing relevant, information and tangible practises that people can actually utilise in their life and sexual experiences. This creates an atmosphere where the attendees can easily feel comfortable to participate in the engaging and fun vibe of a community of similar open minds and open hearts. They can be stretched, but in a way that feels easy to assimilate.
There are so many people, like you, who are doing amazing work to raise the sexual vibration of this planet, to bring joy, and harmony, intimacy and love forward in the relationships of the people we can reach.
Together we can go much further. Imagine what’s possible if we join forces in this way, running these events simultaneously, in full support of each other’s success. Imagine the level of attention this commands for this work. Imagine how we can shift the culture around sexuality with more speed and potency when we raise our voices simultaneously.
There are no other events like Enlightenment in the Bedroom that have the capacity to reach the wider audience this way.
The people who need this work the most.
Our future clients.
This is an opportunity
> To raise your own authority in the realm of sex education and wellness.
> To expand your networks by partnering with others in this space in a real way.
> To connect deeply with other presenters who are running this event with the same mission on their hearts.
> To create a community of attendees to your events who keep coming back and expanding and growing.
> To generate more clients.
> And to make money from hosting an event.
> An event that already has built a reputation of standard, has its systems already sorted out for you, has branding ready to go, is profitably run, and offers centralised marketing and a centralised speaker registry for you to easily connect with.
> To be supported in promoting your event by many others.
> To take what’s already working, and bring your own magic to it.
There are a lot more details, and a lot more included that can be shared in a conversation together.
If you’re feeling the enormity of where this vision leads, and you’d love to be co-ordinating your own event, you love to be in front of a crowd sharing inspiring education talking about sex and relationships, you can hold the energy of a room and can feel deeply within yourself that your mission and values align with what we’re creating, you have high ethics and value connecting and giving, I invite you to fill out the application and book a call in to speak with me.
Maybe your questions?
Yes, we will be offering online training and I’m available via message with any questions.
Yes, we can assist in helping you find speakers on going
Yes, we desire that everyone wins in this, this is so important!
Yes, we have crossed t’s and dotted i’s
Yes, we are freaking excited!